Stewart Lane


Stewart Lane Music
Composer Performer Cultural Activist
Black Apollo
release date 2006

Moving In Circles
Black Apollo
Eye Of The Sun
World Stood Still
Starting Fires
Life Among The Criminals
Dream Collision
Skinned Alive
Black Apollo (2005) follows the journey of its main protagonist as they search for the Tao, or 'way', in a modern-day variation of a Pilgrim’s Progress. At its heart, the story is one of spiritual exploration—not religious, but deeply personal. It traces the path of a person who innately feels that there is more to themselves and to life than what is immediately apparent. As they come to understand that blindly adhering to the conventions of contemporary 'developed' society will never bring true fulfillment, they face a series of crises and moments of illumination.
The protagonist strives to separate their true self from the ego-driven identity that seeks validation through societal norms and the need for acceptance. Each song in the album represents a stage of this journey.
Beginning with an increasing dissatisfaction with the mundane and the seeming senselessness of daily life, the protagonist ultimately forms a deep and lasting connection with their core being, leading to a radical shift in their perception of the world. The first crucial realization in this process is the awareness that their destiny is to truly know themselves.
What follows are numerous twists and turns along the way. Their ego-driven identity collapses, their beliefs and perceptions are shaken, and they find both challenge and camaraderie in the ideas and companionship of others on a similar quest. They face ostracism, even incarceration, as they challenge societal norms and expectations. Amid moments of despair and questioning, rawness and deliverance emerge as transformative forces.
The idea that one can reinterpret both the self and one’s experiences becomes the crucible in which the individual is reborn. The wisdom of the ages echoes: "We don’t see the world as it is, but as we are."
The journey of Black Apollo culminates in a surge of love, empowerment, compassion, and creativity, all stemming from communion with the core of the self. The protagonist begins to perceive the interconnectedness of all things. The devastation of separation and alienation begins to dissipate.
Ultimately, the circle completes itself: the journey has no end, only an ongoing quest. There will always be new challenges and unfulfilled potential. It is only the limitations we impose on ourselves that stand as true obstacles. Our destiny remains—to know ourselves.